Funky Chunky Promotional Popcorn Gifts: Chocolate Gourmet Popcorn | Nutty Choco Pop Snack Bags | 5oz. - 6 pack

Nutty Choco Pop | 5oz. - 6 pack

$36.00 (C)

Min for decorated orders is 10

Great to give as a gift! A little nutty, a lot chocolatey. One of our original and most adored gourmet popcorn mixes, Nutty Choco Pop arrives loaded with nuts - big almonds and cashews glazed to perfection. Drizzled with dark, milk and white chocolatey goodness, we then break it up into mouth-watering chunks. Some of the best chocolate covered popcorn you'll ever have!

    Delivered In:

    6-pack of 5oz bags

    What Else?

    • Certified Kosher (certificate available upon request)
    • Non-GMO Popcorn grown in the USA
    • Handcrafted in small batches in the Midwest
    • Nutrition information available upon request